Environmental commitment

Already equipped with a 100% EURO 6 fleet of the latest generation, the PORTMANN Group has invested in eco-responsible engines with vehicles running on CNG and LNG, reducing the ecological impact of our activities, responding to changes in regulations (ZFE, low emission area) and assisting our customers in their efforts.

  • Eco-friendly fleet: we renew our fleet of Euro 6 tractors every 4 years, guaranteeing state-of-the-art technology and a reduction in polluting emissions.
  • Reduced CO2 emissions: thanks to a constant effort to reduce the number of kilometers travelled and the use of modal shift on certain routes, we save 1,750,000 km of road transport every year, equivalent to 1,888 tonnes of CO2.
  • Renewable energy: we produce part of our own electricity thanks to photovoltaic installations.
  • Resource management : our car washes are equipped to recycle and reuse water, reducing our impact on water resources.

Focus: Our 2024/2025 innovations

  • Installation of HVO/XTL tanks in our main agencies.
  • Integration of 100% electric BEV3 tractors in our Southern, Alsace and Lorraine agencies.
  • Start of a multimodal rail-road link in January 2025 between Metz and Paris on a daily return trip.

The PORTMANN Group signs the CO2 Objectif Charter

The PORTMANN Group has been a signatory of the CO2 Objectif Charter since 2021. This charter was created in December 2008, and is supported by the ADEME and the DREAL, as well as the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion.
The  CO2 Objectif scheme is part of the “Voluntary Commitments for the Environment – Transport and Logistics” programme and aims to raise awareness and support all companies in reducing the energy and environmental impact of their transport and logistics activities.

The charter requires a 3-year commitment , with action plans, targets, a report and information statements.

Our objectives – Period 2021 – 2024 :

  • Remanufacturing and retreading tyres: 50% of the fleet
  • Gas vehicles: 15% of the fleet
  • Consumption monitoring: data collection: 100%
  • Initial eco-driving training for drivers: 70%
  • Raising awareness among subcontractors: 75%

All these objectives have been achieved and are awaiting validation by the Commission.

The PORTMANN Group is ECOVADIS certified.

Since its creation in 2007, EcoVadis has become the largest and most reliable sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) rating organisation, creating a global network of over 130,000 rated companies.

The methodology is based on international CSR standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Pact and ISO 26000, covering no fewer than 220 purchasing categories and over 180 countries. The CSR scorecard illustrates performance through 21 indicators divided into four themes.

ISO standards

Some of our sites are already ISO 9001 certified, demonstrating our commitment to rigorous quality management. We are currently pursuing our efforts to extend these certifications to all our sites, in order to guarantee a uniform level of performance and quality across all our locations. This is part of our drive for continuous improvement and compliance with the highest international quality and management standards.